For a few months I have been helping students at Salford University start their own businesses. They all have great ideas. And lots of energy. And want to change the world with their #startup business. It's been great fun...
But one thing has struck me again and again.
How many students believe that marketing is to persuade people that don't want your product or service to start to WANT your product or service.
And that you should always go mass market to get to them. The bigger the promotion and platform the better. The thinking begin that:
The louder the noise - the more "marketing" you are doing.
Scary huh?
As to me .... This is a fundamental error when it comes to modern marketing. And it goes against everything we teach at Great Marketing Works - based on decades of understanding (and using) Guerrilla Marketing. The practice of psychological tactics rather than brand power to launch a business or idea.
However, guerrilla marketing goes against a lot of what is taught in Universities.
And it hits against the ego of marketing itself. Which is often wrapped up in advertising and promotion. But the reality of startup marketing (which is there to help you start your own business) is summed up rather nicely by marketing legend Seth Godin here.
Every time you talk about reaching everyone, that you imagine changing “the world,” you should fine yourself a nickel.
(Ed note: If I add up all the weeks and money I invested into helping people reverse Type 2 Diabetes whilst imagining I was "changing the world." I have fined myself (tens of) thousands of pounds!)
It’s almost impossible to reach everyone.
The most popular podcast in the world has reached one out of every 2,000 people on the planet. By a rounding error, that’s not nearly everyone, in fact, it’s essentially no one.
The same is true for the most popular salsa, the bestselling writer and the leading non-profit.
You’re going to reach virtually no one.
That’s okay. The question is: which no one?
Your smallest viable audience holds you to account. It forces a focus and gives you nowhere to hide.
But first, you need to choose.
Extremely wise words and great motivation.
As they are the inspiration for a new Great Marketing Works blog I will write in April. Which reinforces my business decision to close and will be a legacy piece of advice for students on LAUNCH at Salford University and their startup incubator.

All arguing against one of my favourite speakers. Simon Selek. Find out WHY in April.
And if you would like to start your own business (and you are lucky enough to be a student in Salford Uni or know some one who is - do check this out.)