For 15 years we have been training organisations in marketing.
At Great Marketing Works we
train organisations like these in guerilla marketing,
digital marketing, social media marketing and now AI Marketing.
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Love what we do.
We've had lots of recommendations over the years.
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1-2-1 Training
Immersive learning in social media
1/2 day training workshop
"Dan provided expert marketing advice for the Simple Netball League, particularly on the use of social media. He immediately identified areas that we could develop and I came away from the session with a number of action points. The number of players in the league has increased as a direct result. Highly recommended!"
1-2-1 Training
Digital, social and mobile marketing training.
1/2 day personal training session
"Dan is a pleasure to work with. Highly knowledgeable and he generates a great understanding of your business and how to market it extremely quickly, therefore meaning the work you do with him is very good value for money."
Group Training in Mobile Marketing
Teaching Marketing Manager about new opportunities
1/2 day training workshop
"Thank you Dan, for a very meaningful mobile app training day, I am not afraid to say that it was one of the best and most interesting trainings I have attended."
Group Workshop in Social Media
All of social media for selling
1/2 day training workshop
"I was really impressed with Dan's vibrant and informative presentation on social media marketing. Some fantastic tips on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook which I was able to implement the same day. I'd recommend to any business owner or Director who's interested in improving their social media awareness that they book Dan. Even a half day session is crammed full of useful, essential ideas."
Whole Department Training
Intensive Hands On Team Social Media Training
Full day training workshop
"Our team recently got together to immerse ourselves in Dan's world of social media know-how and how to apply a dollop or two of common sense - and he absolutely blew us away! His high octane anecdotal wisdom combined with his passion to help us all rethink the rules of social media really impressed us all. Since Dan's visit I for one have grown my social networking confidence and have discovered you've got to use it to understand it - so thanks Dan for getting me tweeting more often, not setting up Facebook groups if they don't achieve outcomes, and how to strategically LinkedIn!"
Team Social Media Training
Covering the whole range of social media
1/2 day training session
"I admit: I was skeptical. So a marketing guru was going convince me that this new-fangled social media was going to grow my business? I don’t think so . . .
Fast forward three hours and I left the presentation with bundles of notes, bags of enthusiasm and a very clear idea of what I could do with Social Media that was going to boost my business. In less than a week, we have become much more involved in Social Media (mainly through Twitter) and are beginning to have conversations and build relationships.
We have nearly doubled our Twitter following and are planning our targeted Social Media campaign."
Interested in saving time and
making more money for your company?
Drop us a line and ask how we can help you
get trained up in the latest digital marketing.
We train people through partner organisations, universities and the public sector too.
And many more...
Why are we called
Good question. Well. This is our philosophy.
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Want 15 top AI tools to help you do your marketing?
So you can do it yourself in less than an hour a week?
We have years of experience.
We train whole organisations, small teams and individuals.
1-2-1 Training
Focusing purely on social media and Twitter
1/2 day 1-2-1 training session
"After an afternoon with Dan my social media manager came out wide-eyed and buzzing, utterly enthused and bursting with useful, practical tips. In the trainee's words, Dan taught him more in an hour than most courses teach in a day."
Small Team Training
Both PPC digital marketing and social media strategy
Full Day Workshop
"We got Great Marketing Works in to help our new marketing team with ideas on digital advertising and social media. Not only was the day long training fun, but it was informative, inspirational and full of new ideas. We would recommend it to small business looking to get more from their digital marketing efforts. Well worth it."
Group Training Session
Covering the whole of digital marketing over a day
Full day workshop
"Dan is not only one of the UK's leading experts in Social Media and Digital Marketing, but is also a quite superb teacher. His style of teaching makes the subject easy to learn, but most importantly he drives home what he has learnt and all of his experience within a short space of time.
My staff will be using Dan in the future"Cross Department Brand Building
Teaching digital and social media theory and then best practice
One very full day and evening
"International Motor Sports Ltd approached Dan to deliver an in-house social media training day so we can optimize our marketing and were totally blown away by his knowledge, enthusiasm and experience. We would have no hesitation in recommending him or indeed in engaging his services again ourselves in the future."
Want to come on our next
AI Marketing Course?
In August the price is £179.
And in September it is £479.
Pop your details below.
Our Blog
Read our thoughts, musings, and ruminations on everything from digital marketing to the future of work and even philosphy.
February 18, 2025January 14, 2025More PostsAs you may expect - we are a very social
digital marketing training company.
Come and follow us on Twitter and join more than 16,000 other people.
Our New Privacy Document.
To keep us in line with GDPR.
We have both a sustainability programme
and a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy.
Please contact us directly for these.
Our main chosen non for profit we donate to is:
Be Free Of Type 2 D.
Our New Anti Bribery And Corruption Policy
To keep us in line with the governments rulings for our suppliers.